Current tag: Committee (MMPCDC)

Our 2024 Voter Outreach Booths

Written on:July 7, 2024
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Our 2024 Voter Outreach Booths

Chili Cook Off to Support Our 2024 Local Democratic Candidates, July 17, 6-7 PM

Written on:July 7, 2024
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Chili Cook Off to Support Our 2024 Local Democratic Candidates, July 17, 6-7 PM

MMPCDC Primary Watch Party & Potluck Social, June 18, 2024

Written on:May 18, 2024
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MMPCDC Primary Watch Party & Potluck Social, June 18, 2024

MMPCDC Announces 5 Nominees & 5 Primary Candidates for the November 5, 2024 Local Elections

Written on:April 25, 2024
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MMPCDC Announces 5 Nominees & 5 Primary Candidates for the November 5, 2024 Local Elections

MMPCDC Issues Call to Elect Manassas & Manassas Park Delegates to Virginia’s CD10 and State 2024 Democratic Conventions

Written on:March 21, 2024
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MMPCDC Issues Call to Elect Manassas & Manassas Park Delegates to Virginia’s CD10 and State 2024 Democratic Conventions

Two Blue Cities Celebration, April 6, 2024

Written on:March 7, 2024
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Two Blue Cities Celebration, April 6, 2024

Manassas & Manassas Park Democrats Reorganized for 2024-2025

Written on:January 18, 2024
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Manassas & Manassas Park Democrats Reorganized for 2024-2025

Manassas & Manassas Park Democrats to Reorganize on January 17

Written on:December 12, 2023
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Manassas & Manassas Park Democrats to Reorganize on January 17

MMPCDC Holiday Potluck Celebration, December 8, 2023, 6:30-9 PM

Written on:November 11, 2023
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MMPCDC Holiday Potluck Celebration, December 8, 2023, 6:30-9 PM

Join Our Election Night Watch Party

Written on:October 25, 2023
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Join Our Election Night Watch Party