Voting Information
The City of Manassas Voter Registrar’s Office at 9025 Center St
On Tuesday, November 4, 2025, Manassas and Manassas Park voters will elect a governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state delegate from House District 20, and a commissioner of the revenue and a treasurer for each city. In addition, Manassas Park will hold a special election to fill one seat on its Governing Body for a partial term.
A state-run Democratic primary election will be held on Tuesday, June 17, 2025 to decide all contested Democratic nominations. Early voting will begin on Friday, May 2 and will end on Saturday, June 14.
Early voting for the November 4, 2025 general election will begin on Friday, September 19 and will end on Saturday, November 1.
June 17, 2025 Primary Election (early voting begins on May 2)
November 4, 2025 General Election (early voting begins on September 19)
Ensure that you can vote at your regular polling place on Election Day (or vote earlier, either by mail-in ballot or in-person early voting).
Check your Virginia Voter Record
If you have registered to vote in Virginia in the past, verify that you are still registered to vote and that your address is up to date.
Register to Vote
If you have not yet registered to vote in Virginia or if you need to update your address, you must fill out the Virginia Voter Registration Application. You have the following registration options:
• Register online via the Department of Elections website.
• Complete a voter registration application by mail.
• Appear at any voter registration site in Virginia, including the City of Manassas Voter Registrar’s office at 9025 Center Street, Manassas, VA 20110, the Manassas Park Voter Registrar’s office at City Hall, One Park Center Court, Manassas Park, VA 20111, or the Prince William County Voter Registrar’s office at 9250 Lee Ave, Suite 1, Manassas, VA 20110 .
• Apply for registration while visiting any Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office.
The traditional deadline to register to vote or to change your voting address is:
- Tuesday, May 27, 2025 for the primary election (in-person by 5:00 pm; online by 11:59 pm)
- Tuesday, October 14, 2025 for the general election (in-person by 5:00 pm; online by 11:59 pm).
However, voters may register after these dates, through Election Day, and vote using a provisional ballot. Starting in 2022, a new same-day voter registration law allows Virginia citizens to register to vote (in- person only) and cast a provisional ballot after the traditional voter registration deadline, either at the appropriate Voter Registrar’s office (during the remainder of the early voting period) or at the appropriate polling place on Election Day. As long as a person casts only one ballot in that election, their provisional ballot will be automatically counted when the election is certified on the Friday after Election Day.
Registration Requirements
You must be
• A United States citizen
• A resident of Virginia
• 18 years old by the next general election (17-year-olds who will turn 18 by the next general election may register in advance and may vote in the primary, if any)
• If you have been convicted of a felony or judged to be mentally incapacitated, you must have your rights restored before registering to vote. Visit this Commonwealth of Virginia website for information on the rights restoration process.
Several New Virginia Election Laws Took Effect on July 1, 2020
During the 2020 Virginia General Assembly session, the new Democratic majorities in the House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate expanded the right of vote significantly. Almost 70 election law bills were passed and signed into law by Governor Northam, the majority of which took effect on July 1, 2020 including:
- No Excuse Absentee (both in-person and by-mail)
- Repeal of the photo requirement to expand the acceptable forms of IDs to vote and allow a voter to sign a statement that she is the registered voter, if she does not have an accepted ID
- Election Day as a State Holiday, replacing Lee-Jackson Day
- Automatic Voter Registration at the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
- Absentee By-Mail Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received by the Registrar by noon three days after the Election (previously must be received by the close of polls on Election Day).
Additional election reforms became effective in 2021 or 2022, including the local option of early in-person voting on Sundays (in 2021) and same-day voter registration (in 2022).
Absentee (aka Early) Voting
Registered Virginia voters no longer need to state an excuse to vote absentee, either via mail or in person.
Absentee/Early Voting by Mail
All Virginia voters may request a mail-in absentee ballot long before an election, by either filling out an online application at this portal or downloading and mailing in the paper absentee ballot application. Alternatively, voters may request a mail-in ballot application by contacting the office of their local voter registrar by telephone or email (see links to those offices above). In addition, Virginia voters may now make a one-time selection to be automatically mailed a ballot for every election for which they are qualified to vote, including the primary elections for either the Democratic of Republican Party.
- For the June 17, 2025 Primary Election, the deadline to request a mail-in absentee ballot sent to you through the mail is Friday, June 6 (by fax or online, by 5:00 pm; by mail, received by 5:00 pm), whereas the deadline to pick up a mail-in absentee ballot at your local registrar’s office is Saturday, June 14 at 5:00 pm.
- For the November 4, 2025 General Election, the deadline to request a mail-in absentee ballot sent to you through the mail is Friday, October 24 (by fax or online, by 5:00 pm; by mail, received by 5:00 pm), whereas the deadline to pick up a mail-in absentee ballot at your local registrar’s office is Saturday, November 1 at 5:00 pm.
NOTE: The requirement to obtain a witness signature for your mail-in ballot has (once again) been repealed starting with the 2023 general election, so you may open “Ballot Envelope A” without any witness present. In addition, the envelope for returning your mail-in ballot is supplied with prepaid first-class postage, so NO added postage is needed to return a mail-in ballot.
When mailing back your ballot or depositing it in a dropbox, BE SURE TO PLACE YOUR COMPLETED BALLOT INSIDE ENVELOPE B AND FILL IN ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THE BACK SIDE OF ENVELOPE B (i.e., clearly print your full name and voting address, sign your name, and print your birth year and the last four digits of your Social Security Number). Then seal Envelope B and place it inside the return envelope (the one with the prepaid postage label). Your vote will not be counted if you do not correctly fill out, sign, and return Envelope B.
You may personally return your ballot to your local Voter Registrar’s Office (or your regular polling place on Election Day) or to a secure ballot drop box outside that office, as an alternative to mailing it back. In any event, we recommend that you promptly return your ballot.
FAQs regarding Vote-By-Mail Ballots in Virginia in *2020* (courtesy of the Democratic Party of Virginia)
NOTE: If you have *any* voting questions–including how to cast a mail-in ballot–please call the Democratic Party of Virginia’s Voter Hotline at 844-4VA-VOTE (844-482-8683) at any time (24/7).
In-Person Early Voting
- For the June 17, 2025 Primary Election, in-person early voting will be available on weekdays from Friday, May 2 through Friday, June 13, except for the Monday, May 26 holiday, plus two Saturdays, June 7 and June 14.
- For the November 4, 2025 General Election, in-person early voting will be available on weekdays from Friday, September 19 through Friday, October 31, except for the Monday, October 13 holiday, plus two Saturdays, October 25 and November 1.
You will complete an application for an election ballot at the office before you are allowed to vote.
For the City of Manassas, in-person early voting is located in the Old Town Hall building, 9025 Center St, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays (excluding the May 26 and October 13 holidays), beginning 45 days before each election (e.g., from May 2 through June 13 for the June 17, 2025 Primary Election and from September 19 through November 1 for the November 4, 2025 General Election).
In-person early voting will also be available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on the last two Saturdays (June 7 and 14) before the June 17 Primary Election and on the last two Saturdays (October 24 and November 1) before the November 5, 2024 General Election.
The Cities of Manassas and Manassas Park) may also hold early voting hours on one Sunday before the General Election. {Those hours were 12:00-5:00 pm on October 13, 2024 in the City of Manassas only).
For the City of Manassas Park, in-person early voting is available at City Hall, 100 Park Central Plaza, at the same dates and times as in the City of Manassas, except weekday hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, and Manassas Park may not hold any Sunday early voting.
Vote on Election Day
To vote on Election Day, you must go to your designated polling place. Polls open at 6 AM and close at 7 PM. If you need a ride to the polls, please contact 571-358-9893 .
The City of Manassas Has Six Precincts
Precinct 001: Dean Elementary School
9601 Prince William Street
Precinct 002: Weems Elementary School
8750 Weems Road
Precinct 003: Metz Middle School
9950 Wellington Road
Precinct 004: Haydon Elementary School
9075 Park Avenue
Precinct 005: Baldwin Elementary School
9705 Main Street
Precinct 006: Round Elementary School
10100 Hastings Drive
New City of Manassas Voting Precincts, Starting in 2017 (click to enlarge)
Earlier, more readable version of the new Manassas Precinct Map (click to enlarge)
The City of Manassas Park Has Three Precincts
Precinct 001: Manassas Park High School Gym
8200 Euclid Avenue
Precinct 002: Community Center in Costello Park
99 Adams Street
Precinct 003: Manassas Park City Hall
One Park Center Court
Manassas Park residents can confirm their polling place here or contact the Manassas Park Registrar of Voters at [email protected] or 703-335-8806.
Bring Personal Identification
Virginia law requires all voters to provide an acceptable form of personal identification at the polls, such as a current Virginia Drivers License. Bring that personal ID with you whenever you vote in-person.
Voters arriving at the polls without an acceptable ID will be asked to sign an ID Confirmation Statement that affirms, under penalty of perjury, that they are indeed the registered voter they claim to be. If do you sign that ID statement, you will cast a regular ballot that will be counted automatically, and you need not return with proof of your identity. If you don’t sign that ID statement, your ballot will be provisional and won’t be counted unless you return with proof of your identity before the final vote count is certified.