Our 2022 Elections
Seven of Our Nine Democratic Candidates Win Seats in the 2022 General Election!

Although two of our nine Democratic candidates were not elected this year, seven of our candidates were victorious in what had been predicted to be a difficult year, both nationally and locally, for the Democratic Party’s election prospects.
Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton was elected to her third term in the U.S. House of Representatives with vote shares of 56.3% in Manassas and 60.5% in Manassas Park.
In Manassas Park, incumbent Democratic council members Alanna Mensing and Haseeb Javed were both elected to their second terms on the Governing Body with the highest- and second-highest vote tallies for the three available seats.
With the election of Sonia Vasquez Luna and the re-election of incumbent Council Member Ralph Smith, our Democratic nominees won two of the three available seats on the Manassas City, for a net gain of one at-large seat. Ms. Vasquez Luna also made history as the first Latina elected to the Manassas City Council. Although Dheeraj “DJ” Jagadev, our third Manassas City Council nominee, was not elected, we are proud of his solid and honest campaign.
In the race for three seats on the Manassas City School Board, two of our endorsed Democrats, incumbents Lisa Stevens and Jill Spall, were elected as the first-place and third-place finishers, respectively. Our third endorsed candidate, 23-year-old Alex Iqbal, who had served admirably as an appointed school board member since January 2022, regrettably did not win election, but we are confident of Alex’s bright future.
We congratulate our seven successful candidates and deeply thank the scores of campaign volunteers who helped us reach out repeatedly to many thousands of voters in our two cities. Our 2023 campaigns for state senator, state delegate, sheriff, commonwealth’s attorney, and clerk of the court will soon be underway.
View the detailed 2022 general election results for Manassas and Manassas Park.
Support Our 2022 Candidates!
Democratic Nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives, 10th Congressional District of Virginia
Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton
Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton has been serving the people of Northern Virginia and Shenandoah Valley for two decades as a prosecutor, advocate for abused children, state Senator, and now a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia’s 10th District.
In her legal career, Jennifer served as an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney for Loudoun County, prosecuting felony and misdemeanor criminal and traffic cases in all of the Loudoun Courts. She later served as a court-appointed guardian ad litem, representing abused or neglected children, as a special justice in mental commitment hearings, and as a substitute judge in proceedings in Loudoun County’s district courts.
Jennifer took her passion for protecting others to the state Senate, winning a special election in January 2014. In her five years in Richmond, Jennifer found bipartisan support for her legislation to make our children safer, combat the heroin and opioid epidemic, increase access to affordable healthcare, prepare our children for jobs of the future, ease traffic congestion, and bring more businesses to Northern Virginia.
Jennifer came to Congress with experience in legislating and a deep understanding of Virginia’s 10th district and the issues that matter most to our region’s families. In Congress, Jennifer has worked to make health care more affordable for our families, keep our kids safe from gun violence, and has fought to protect the interests of federal workers and contractors in our region. She has introduced 17 pieces of legislation in her first term, passing four bipartisan bills through the House, with her recently introduced Retirement Protection Act being signed into law as a part of the CARES Act Coronavirus response.
Jennifer lives in Leesburg with her husband, two sons, and two rescued labrador retrievers.
Democratic Nominees for the Manassas City Council
(3 at-large seats on the ballot)
Ralph J. Smith
Ralph J. Smith is an incumbent seeking his second term on the Manassas City Council.
Manassas welcomed Ralph at a special time in his life, and it became his hometown, with all the accompanying joys of belonging and being attached to one’s hometown that he was deprived of as a young person in the town in which he was born. The circumstances related to that led Ralph to a life of community involvement.
Ralph cites his experience leading the local NAACP chapter and his work in the communities of Manassas City, Manassas Park, and Prince William on behalf of their residents. He wants to continue to bring solutions to the issues facing Manassas City.
Ralph states that his priority for this term is to “continue to ensure equitable recovery from the pandemic, to have high quality city services by providing a needed public health perspective, while ensuring that women have access to maternal health services, ensuring we have competitive pay and career advancement for our city government workforce, and working with our school board members in support of our schools.”
Sonia Vasquez Luna
Sonia R. Vasquez Luna was born and raised in El Salvador. She came to the United States in 2001 and worked minimum-wage jobs while taking English classes at night to support her mother and sisters. Sonia and her then-active-duty military family moved to Manassas looking for affordable housing in 2010. She is a mother of two children attending Manassas City Public Schools.
Sonia obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration at the National Labor College in 2014, after receiving her Associate of Science degree in Business Administration at Northern Virginia Community College in 2011.
Throughout her life, Sonia has fought tirelessly for workers, women, immigrants, human rights, voters, and equal pay for equal work.
In 2019, Sonia became the first immigrant woman Elected Business Manager for a local union at Laborer’s International Union of North America. Currently, she serves a second term as a National Board Member on the LIUNA Latino Caucus, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), and LCLAA Si Podemos Fund. Sonia is also an elected board member of the Northern Virginia Labor Federation, AFL-CIO. Sonia has served as an election officer for over a decade in Fairfax County, Prince William County, and Manassas City.
Her priorities are: Inclusive Government, Women’s Health/Right to Privacy, Accessible and Reliable Public Transportation, and Strengthen Partnership with School Board.
Sonia is determined to deliver positive change!
You can learn more about Sonia and upcoming volunteer opportunities by visiting www.soniavasquezluna.com or www.facebook.com/Sonia4Manassas.
Dheeraj (“DJ”) Jagadev
The Jagadev family story in America began in 1996, when Dheeraj’s parents, natives of Kerala, India, immigrated to the United States. Together, they chose the greater Manassas area to pursue the American dream and imparted the values that continue to be practiced by Dheeraj: do everything with integrity, success comes through hard work, and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Dheeraj “DJ” Jagadev attended and graduated from Unity Reed High School before receiving his Bachelor’s degree in History and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the College of William and Mary.
As a product of Virginia public schools, educator, and parent of a student in Manassas City Public Schools, Dheeraj not only understands the benefits of access to a quality education and importance of strengthening our public school system, but he has first-hand knowledge and experience when fighting for the needs and wants of fellow educators, parents, and our youth.
As a member of the Manassas City Planning Commission and its Zoning Ordinance Review Committee, Dheeraj recognizes that the vital economic development of Manassas is directly fostered by a strong business environment. The success of our local businesses, regional airport, and the emergence of larger companies who choose to do business in Manassas create job opportunities for our residents and enhance employable skills–making our residents even more attractive in the job market.
Dheeraj is running for a seat on your Manassas City Council to ensure that our public school system is properly funded so that his fellow educators have the required resources and tools to effectively provide our parents and students with the quality of education they deserve. Dheeraj is also running to ensure that the health of women is protected, now and for generations to come. Manassas City currently has the Highest Manufacturing Wage in all of Virginia and an annual growth of 5.5% in Median Household Income. Dheeraj will fight to continue this economic growth, by growing our tax base while not increasing tax rates and by maintaining current business relationships and attracting new businesses to choose Manassas.
For more information on Dheeraj “DJ” Jagadev, please visit www.dheerajforManassas.com. And please be sure to follow us on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DheerajForManassas.
Democratic Nominees for the Manassas Park Governing Body (City Council)
(3 at-large seats on the ballot)
Alanna Mensing
Alanna Mensing is currently serving on the Manassas Park Governing Body. First elected in 2018, Alanna has been a resident of Manassas Park since 2009 and a Democrat since she knew what the word meant. Prior to her service on the Governing Body, Alanna served a term on the Manassas Park School Board.
While on the Governing Body, Alanna has lowered the real estate tax rate over ten cents, raised employee pay, and voted for the new Downtown project, bringing in multiple opportunities for new businesses to grow in Manassas Park.
Alanna teaches private music lessons and aerial acrobatics. When she is not busy with those activities, she keeps busy homeschooling her two young boys.
Haseeb Javed
Haseeb Javed is a successful businessman, highly skilled in management, administration, and budgeting. Over his business career, he has continuously delivered sustainable results and grown profit even in unfavorable economic situations. He’s a great problem solver who loves to see things work perfectly for the greater good.
Presently employed as a real estate professional, Haseeb applies his skill and experience in the real estate industry to serve the community as an active member of City Council.
During his first term on City Council, Haseeb has contributed to economic development citywide, increased city employee pay to reduce turnover, fought year-after-year for increased school budgets, increased City staffing to better serve residents, implemented a strategic plan to update infrastructure, introduced a citywide free voucher program, and helped our local nonprofits.
When not selling houses or doing official City business, Haseeb is home with his wife and two young kids.
Our Endorsed Candidates for City of Manassas School Board
(3 at-large seats on the ballot)
Jill Spall
Born in California, Jill Spall moved to Illinois and then Texas and finally Virgnia in 1973. She attended Prince William County Schools through graduation (Osbourn Park High School ‘86) and was accepted at Virginia Tech and graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in Communications with a minor in Psychology. She worked for residential property management firms until 1995, then in the telecom industry.
As a citizen of Manassas, Jill runs a contracting business with her husband and had volunteered extensively at Manassas City Public Schools during her children’s attendance. She helped promote child advocacy and school support through participation in PTAs, Shamrock Run, newsletter editing as well as band, athletic and academic boosters. When she saw a need, she reinvented our After Prom Program to celebrate our Juniors and Seniors in a manner comparable to our larger school district neighbors. She also created a healthy weekend food distribution program for students that expanded district wide over 10 years.
So, who is Jill Spall? She’s a Wife and a Mom and a Daughter and a Sister and an Aunt and Friend. She takes those positions seriously and has dedicated her life to help grow and influence great citizens who are lifelong learners and care about other people and humanity’s future. She has also served on several Manassas committees and continues to do so as a current School Board Member. Jill has been dedicating many hours to training and learning at the Virginia School Board Association level.
With your help, Jill can continue these pursuits and remain fully invested in the future of our city and our schools. Please consider a vote for Jill and her colleagues Lisa and Alex because they care deeply about our city kids and our public schools.
Their platform is: Student Engagement–Student Growth–School Safety.
Lisa Stevens
Lisa Stevens and her husband made the City of Manassas their home approximately 29 years ago and raised four children here. Three are graduates of Manassas City Public Schools, while the fourth is a 4th grader in one of our elementary schools.
Lisa is in her 8th year as a middle school Special Education teacher for Prince William County Schools. Prior to that, she directed a program in school-age child care at All Saints Catholic School for 18 years.
Lisa’s heart has always been with the education of our youth, since they are the future, and we must do right by them. She originally ran for the Manassas City Public School Board as a way to give back to the community that has been such a central and important part of her family’s lives. She is running for re-election because her work is not done, and she has so much yet to give.
Alex Iqbal
Alex Iqbal is a product of the Manassas City Public Schools system, from Haydon Elementary up through Osbourn High School (OHS), where he graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2017. He attended the Virginia Tech College of Engineering, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics and ultimately decided to return to his hometown to work as an engineer at Micron Technology.
Growing up as a student in Manassas City Public Schools, Alex participated in various technical and creative endeavors. He played violin, sang, and was an avid volunteer. Alex attended the Governor’s School @ Innovation Park, where he conducted a year-long organic chemistry project. He also developed a course for elementary students focused on electricity and magnetism.
Alex was a member of the OHS Academic Team for all of his four years at Osbourn. Additionally, he was a member of National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and Tri-M Music Honor Society. He graduated as an AP Scholar, with honor and distinction, and as a National Merit Scholar.
Alex credits his time in MCPS as the means that enabled him to achieve his goals. He intimately recognizes the importance of receiving support from teachers, staff, and other role models in transforming the lives of students. He believes in providing abundant opportunity to students in the form of robust career and technical education programs, extracurricular activities, and fine arts. His aim is to advocate for the students by continuing to provide a student perspective while on the School Board.
Alex is running on a platform of student engagement, student growth, and student safety, alongside his running mates Jill and Lisa. Please consider voting for them in the upcoming November 8th election.
Our School Board Candidates–Jill Spall, Alex Iqbal & Lisa Stevens–believe…
- We must meet our students where they are
- Students who feel included, respected, and valued are more likely to succeed in school and after graduation
- Our families are our partners in student success. We value their input
- Diversity is our strength
- When students have skills to handle stress, they are less likely to act out and pose risk
- Positive behavioral interventions facilitate school appropriate, pro-social behavior
They have demonstrated those commitments by…
- Having Family Liaisons and PEP (Parents as Educational Partners) at all 9 schools
- Offering large and growing Career and Technical Education at Osbourn (CTE)
- Providing Breakfast, lunch, and dinner free to all MCPS students
- Targeting instruction blocks to address deficit areas
- Targeting enrichment to those at or above grade level
- Providing English/Language Arts & Math at all schools, every grade, 1 hour each daily
- Teaching emotional regulation and social skills to handle today’s childhood stresses
- Partnering to provide after school and Saturday STEM camps to adolescents.
- Providing GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) to prepare students for college and beyond
- Implementing new instructional framework aligned with 5-year Strategic Plan
- Implementing a continuous improvement plan
- Supporting Metz-Osbourn Robotics Team Partnership to be a winning robotics team
- Student growth in pass rate on SOL assessments from 2020-21 to 2021-22 outpaced VA average
- The pass rate change for MCPS in the areas of Reading, Math, and was higher than all surrounding school divisions.
Jill Spall Lisa Stevens Alex Iqbal
Frequently Asked Questions: Jill Spall, Lisa Stevens, and Alex Iqbal–Incumbent Candidates for Manassas City School Board
Goal: To teach all the children of Manassas, retain and value teachers.
Direct Experience with MCPS:
- Jill’s 3 children attended MCPS K-12, and she volunteered in schools for 20 years.
- Alex attended MCPS K-12, is a recent appreciative graduate and wants to pay it forward
- Lisa’s 3 eldest children graduated from MCPS and 1 is currently enrolled
Qualifications and Educational Backgrounds:
- Lisa is a Special Education teacher with PWCS with a Master’s in Educational Psychology.
- Alex is a recent graduate of Virginia Tech and employed as a Micron Process Engineer.
- Jill holds a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Communication Studies and is a small business owner.
What have you done since being on the board?
- Followed COVID CDC guidelines for making decisions
- Budget approval 22-23 /23-24 is in progress
- New Football Field- 2022 school year
- Strategic Plan- 2022-2027
- Capital Improvement Plan- approved 12/21
What goals are your working on?
- Truancy
- Higher pay for teachers
- Special Education teacher shortages and space limitations
- Lower student teacher ratio, lower class sizes
How Can I find out more about Manassas Public Schools?
- Strategic Plan https://go.boarddocs.com/va/mcpsva/Board.nsf/files/CFTL8B554AA3/$file/Draft%202022-2027%20Strategic%20Plan%20-%20School%20Board%20presentation%20June%2014%202022.pdf
- Approved CIP- https://www.mcpsva.org/cms/lib/VA02207962/Centricity/Domain/81/CIP%20Approved%207-12-22.pdf
Sara Brescia, A Far-Right Republican Masquerading As A Political Independent
Republican-backed Manassas School Board candidate Sara Brescia claims to be politically independent and boasts of having bi-partisan support. However, this $500 check from the well-funded far-right Political Action Committee Loudoun Conservatives Cares suggests that Ms. Brescia does indeed have an undisclosed conservative political agenda.
Manassas Democrats Endorse Incumbent Manassas City School Board Members for November Election
Alex Iqbal, Lisa Stevens, and Jill Spall
The Manassas & Manassas Park Cities Democratic Committee (MMPCDC) voted unanimously on August 17 to endorse incumbent Manassas City School Board candidates Jill Spall, Lisa Stevens, and Alex Iqbal for the November 8, 2022 General Election.
- Lisa Stevens, first elected to the school board in 2019, is a special education teacher and parent of three Osbourn High School graduates and one current Manassas City Public Schools (MCPS) student.
- Jill Spall was unanimously appointed by the Manassas City School Board in October 2021 to fill the vacant seat previously held by Sanford S. Williams. Jill Spall and her husband are local small business owners and parents of three Osbourn High School graduates.
- Alex Iqbal, a Manassas City Public School system alumnus, is a recent graduate of the Virginia Tech College of Engineering and employed at Micron Technology. In January 2022, the Manassas City School Board unanimously appointed Alex Iqbal to fill the seat vacated when Tim Demeria became the City’s Commissioner of the Revenue.
MMPCDC Co-chairs Gretchen Almstead and Cheryl Macias recently commented… “Lisa, Jill, and Alex are devoted to the City of Manassas and to the education of every child and are all well equipped, through training and experience, to ably serve as productive school board members from Day One. Furthermore, they are all firmly committed to providing first-rate educational and extracurricular opportunities and outcomes for all MCPS students, including enhanced Career and Technical Education courses and certifications for students who are not college-bound.”
The City of Manassas holds an election every two years to fill either three or four seats on its seven-member School Board. In Virginia, school board positions are officially nonpartisan, meaning school board candidates may not have party affiliations next to their names on the official election ballot. However, as a consequence this endorsement, the Democratic Party’s sample ballot for Manassas will clearly identify Lisa Stevens, Jill Spall, and Alex Iqbal as its recommended School Board candidates.
“Our Democratic committee has only twice endorsed school board candidates previously. In recent years, however, school board elections and deliberations across our nation have grown contentious and partisan. Increasingly, private schooling and home schooling advocates seek to divert tax revenue away from public education, while opponents of culturally responsive teaching and of LGBTQ equality seek to establish discriminatory school policies.”
Results of the June 21 Democratic Primary for Manassas City Council
The official results of the June 21 Democratic primary election to select three Democratic nominees for Manassas City Council to run in the November 8, 2022 General Election are now posted. The election results were certified by the City of Manassas Electoral Board on Friday, June 24.
Congratulations to the three primary winners who have become our Democratic nominees for the November 8, 2022 General Election–Sonia Vasquez Luna, Dheeraj (“D.J.”) Jagadev, and Ralph J. Smith (incumbent). In addition, we sincerely thank MMPCDC member Robert (Bob) Keller who also sought this nomination and ran a solid campaign.
View the official sample ballot.