Seven of Our Nine Democratic Candidates Win Seats in the 2022 General Election!

Although two of our nine Democratic candidates were not elected this year, seven of our candidates were victorious in what had been predicted to be a difficult year, both nationally and locally, for the Democratic Party’s election prospects. Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton was elected to her third term in the U.S. House of Representatives with vote shares of 56.3% in Manassas and 60.5% in Manassas Park. In Manassas Park, incumbent Democratic…
Read more...Tags:Alex Iqbal , Dheerag Jagadev , election results , Jennifer Wexton , Jill Spall , Lisa Stevens , Manassas , Manassas City Council , Manassas City School Board , Manassas Park , Manassas Park City Council , Ralph Smith , Sonia Vasquez Luna
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