Have Trump and Carson “jumped the shark?”
First let me invite everyone to take a listen to C-SPAN during Morning Journal. If you were ever wondering who could support the GOP clowns, just listen. It’s downright breathtaking. I guess we are sort of used to the D.C. beltway crowd and are immunized from the craziness of the rest of the country. So even though Trump and Carson express outrageous opinions that I cannot imagine anyone supporting, I…
Read more...Ben Carson and God
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Now I know that I am going to offend some people who might have a literal interpretation of the Bible and some religious dogma. But after reading more and more about what Ben Carson has said and written, it gives us a good idea as to how Ben would govern. But let’s start with his problem with embellishment or even prevarication. Take the West Point debacle: Using words like accept…
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