House of Delegates Candidates Forum, Sunday, April 30, 2017, 12:30 – 4:30 PM

HOUSE OF DELEGATES CANDIDATES FORUM Hosted by Indivisible NoVA West Sunday, April 30, 2017, 12:30 pm – 4:30 PM Haymarket-Gainesville Community Library, 14870 Lightner Road, Haymarket VA 20169 Learn about nine Democratic candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates, hear their ideas, and ask them questions on issues that matter to you. The nine candidates are: HD 13- Jansen, Kahlon, Roem HD 31- Guzman, Townsend HD 50- Carter HD 51-…
Read more...Kahlon for Delegate Fundraising Social, Saturday, February 11, 2017
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Join a fun house party to raise funds for Mansimran Kahlon’s campaign for the Virginia House of Delegates/ (HD-13), Saturday, February 11, 6-8 pm, at 8043 Lantern Court, Manassas, VA 20109. Light hors d’oeuvres and bubbly will be served. Suggested donation levels: Friend: $100 Supporter: $75 Ticket: $50 Young Democrats: $25 for online donations. Checks are fine too! Please park on Rodes Dr, not in the private numbered spaces…
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