
Weekend Coordinated Canvasses for Danica Roem and Down-Ballot Candidates

Written on:June 30, 2023
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Time: Canvasses launch at 10 am and 1 pm every Saturday and at noon every Sunday.

Location: 9510 Center St, Manassas VA 20110

Come canvass with Team Danica, launching from our Manassas field office, every Saturday and Sunday! We’ll be knocking in neighborhoods throughout SD 30 to talk about how important it is to elect Danica to the State Senate in November and to also elect Democrats to the House of Delegates and local offices. There will be a training at the beginning of the event, so no prior canvassing experience is required. All you need is a phone, good shoes, and a passion for electing a great candidate.

Please Sign Up on Mobilize!