
Manassas School Board Slate

On July 17, 2024, our Democratic committee voted to endorse three candidates for Manassas City School Board: incumbent School Board Chair Suzanne Seaberg, Diana Brown, and Dr. Zella Jones.

Three Manassas City School Board candidates made the case for our endorsement on July 17, 2024

Current School Board Chair Suzanne Seaberg

I believe in public education. The City of Manassas has been my home for 25 years and we love it! My husband and I raised our kids here and they graduated in 2019, 2021, and 2023 from Osbourn High School. I will be forever grateful to the educators that helped guide their learning and their success into young adulthood. Serving on the School Board is my way of giving back to my community, ensuring a positive educational environment, and advancing educational success for ALL students. Excellence in education is paramount to the success of the City of Manassas. 

I was appointed to the School Board in 2016 to fill a vacancy, elected November 2016 and 2020, and now running for my third term on the School Board. I have served as Chair of the School Board since October 2021. Longevity, experience, and consistency are beneficial on the Manassas City School Board and to the people of the City of Manassas.

My main goals for this next term are:

  • Fully support the MCPS Strategic Plan, 2022-2027
  • Build the new Jennie Dean Elementary
  • Promote the value of education and educators by advocating for students and well-compensated employees. 
  • Advance communication efforts to promote engagement, improve information avenues, and foster leadership.

I ask for your VOTE for School Board based on my belief in the importance of a strong public school system, my extensive years of service for our schools, and my advocacy for equity and high expectations for ALL students in our City.

Diana Brown

My Story:

I am Diana Brown, a dedicated educational advocate with a profound personal journey that began in Honduras. As a proud mother of three adult children and a loving grandmother to two energetic preschoolers, my life has been enriched by commitment to family.

As an immigrant, I know firsthand the challenges of learning a new language and navigating a new culture. I know that it takes remarkable resilience and determination to achieve academic goals. My personal journey has given me invaluable insights into the struggles and triumphs associated with adapting to new environments and pursuing academic success. These experiences fuel my passion for providing competent and experienced representation in the Manassas City School Board. I believe that understanding and addressing the unique needs of students is crucial, and I am dedicated to using my background and expertise to make a meaningful impact in MCPS. My candid understanding of the complexities of adapting to new circumstances positions me as a strong advocate for effective and empathetic leadership.

My Experience:

My priorities are to:

  • Champion academic achievement, particularly in reading and math
  • Improve parent-school relationships, for a more supportive and collaborative educational environment.
  • Investigate the root causes of chronic absenteeism, to propose actionable solutions.

Call to ActionSupport my candidacy:

Dr. Zella Jones

My name is Zella Jones.  I am running for School Board to make a difference.  I received degrees from Virginia Tech (Doctor of Education and Education Specialist), George Mason (Masters in Special Education Technology), and James Madison (Bachelor of Science in Special Education).  My expertise will help me make informed decision on matters related to the curriculum, teacher hiring and retention, school and division budgets, student discipline, parent communication, and safe and secure schools. 

I served Manassas City Public Schools for 40 years:

  • Principal – Weems Elementary
  • Principal- Jennie Dean Elementary
  • Assistant Principal – Jennie Dean Elementary
  • Assistant Principal – Osbourn High School
  • Teacher on Special Assignment- Metz Middle School
  • Special Education Teacher – Metz Middle School and Jennie Dean Middle School

I believe in Manassas City Public Schools.  I am proud to have been part of the past and look forward to doing all I can to contribute to the continued success of the MCPS system. Manassas City is a small system surrounded by larger neighbors.  Size will not keep us from being competitive, and MCPS schools will provide the same level of education and services as the larger systems.

My two sons attended MCPS, going to Haydon, Round, Metz, and Osbourn.  They are both productive men in their communities because they had the appropriate foundation.  My youngest son played on the football team that won the 2006 State Championship, Virginia AAA, Division 6 for Osbourn High School.  The schools in Manassas City are well-rounded with both athletic and scholastic excellence.

Together I will work with you to maintain and enhance:

  • Academic success for all students with appropriate programming and opportunities
  • Parent involvement
  • Parent workshops
  • Retention of qualified teachers
  • Social and emotional learning, to help students cope with day-to-day challenges in the home and school
  • Keeping your child safe and secure in our schools

I ask for your support and vote. I am a listener and I make decisions based on facts, best practices, and most importantly what will help our students succeed to become productive citizens.  I will listen and act on your concerns, comments, and most importantly work with you to empower minds and shape futures for success.

Together We Educate!

You can donate to my campaign at .

