Senator Charles W. Carrico Sr. told the Richmond Times-Dispatch ( ) that his constituents believe Gov. Terry McAuliffe went too far when he moved to have the plates phased out. The Grayson County Republican says he represents his district “first and foremost.”

“We put a filler out there to see how the district felt about it we probably got more responses on that than anything that I’ve put out before. And my position has been and will always be is you can’t pick and choose winners and losers under the constitution. It’s not against the law to be offended and you have a constitutional right to express yourself,” Carrico said.

Carrico’s bill would amend a 1999 law authorizing specialty license plates honoring the Sons of Confederate Veterans to remove language prohibiting any logo or emblem in the design.

House of Delegates Speaker William J. Howell’s spokesman, Matt Moran, says Howell believes the original 1999 law was correct.

McAuliffe spokesman Brian Coy says the governor will veto Carrico’s bill if the General Assembly passes it.