With the recent growth in MMPCDC’s membership, it has become difficult to find suitable free meeting space on our traditional meeting night, the first Monday of each month. Consequently, MMPCDC’s regular meetings have been moved to the third Wednesday of each month, from 7:00-8:30 pm, so we can resume meeting at Manassas City Hall, 9027 Center St in the Council Chambers.
Here’s the full schedule of upcoming MMPCDC meetings and other gatherings:
Wednesday, October 18: regular monthly meeting
Thursday, November 2: precinct captains’ coordination meeting, 7:00-8:00 pm, at Manassas City Hall, in the first floor conference room
Tuesday, November 7: election night victory party at City Tavern, 7-11 pm
Wednesday, November 15: regular monthly meeting
Friday, December 15: potluck holiday party at Bull Run Unitarian Universalists, 7-10 pm (no December MMPCDC meeting)
Wednesday, January 17 (pending waiver from DPVA): MMPCDC biennial reorganization meeting to elect all MMPCDC members and officers for 2018-2019
Wednesday, February 21: regular monthly meeting of the reorganized MMPCDC