Please note: we were notified on Tuesday, November 10th that this training is being postponed until early 2016.
The original announcement follows:
The 10th Congressional District Democratic Committee will host an information and training session for Democrats interested in becoming an officer within their local committee. Anyone who thinks they might be interested in serving on a local committee’s Executive Committee or is considering running to be an officer in the upcoming reorganizations should strongly consider attending.
This training will cover all the major responsibilities and deadlines that Virginia’s local Democratic committees will have to grapple with over the next two years, as well as Best Practices for how to grow your membership, raise money, and help elect Democrats.
The training will be held at the Wexton for State Senate office on the 3rd floor of 6 Pidgeon Hill Dr, Sterling VA from 1pm to 5pm on Saturday, November 14th. Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested in taking on an officer role either next cycle or later in the future.
For more information and to RSVP, please email Zachary Pruckowski, 10th District Vice Chair at [email protected] .